Cristian is a charismatic little boy who started at Pasitos de Luz in 2019 at the age of 3. He is now 5 years old and is well-known at Casa Connor for his huge smile. He loves dancing, listening to music and taking part in water-based activities.
Cristian is diagnosed with hydrocephalus (a buildup of fluid within the brain), spastic quadriplegia (the most severe form of cerebral palsy) and had his left arm amputated shortly after birth. When he arrived at Pasitos de Luz, little Cristian had absolutely no control over his neck or trunk. He was able to move his right arm but had little or no coordination, and he could not grip even the smallest of objects. He could not move his hips or legs, and was unable to roll over, while his communication was limited to sounds and cries. Cristian was also substantially underweight and had to be fed through a catheter.
Cristian has really come along since starting at Pasitos de Luz, thanks to the patient and caring work of our staff team. His huge smile lights up a room and we love having him here.
His achievements have been a joy to see. He is now able to hold his head up and look from side to side, as well as being able to sit up for short periods of time, roll over and crawl. He has even started to engage in basic classroom activities, playing games that encourage him to use his hands. We were all thrilled when Cristian said his first words: mum, dad and water. While he is still fed through a catheter to help him put on weight, he has started to eat solids by himself. The next important milestones for Cristian are to sit up unassisted and for extended periods of time and, eventually, to stand up and have more control over his movements.
Little Cristian is part of a very loving family of humble means. He lives with him mum, his dad and his two older brothers, Axel and Cristo. Both his parents work at Pasitos; his mom Paola in our laundry and his dad Ignacio as a handyman. His brothers, when not at school, volunteer and help with tasks around Casa Connor. We sometimes see all five of them arrive on a single small motorbike, since this is the only vehicle that they can afford. We hope that one day they will have something safer to travel in. Cristian’s family are all big-hearted and are valued members of the Pasitos family.
Pasitos de Luz is a civil association in Banderas Bay. It is a registered non- profit organization founded by mothers of disabled children to meet their therapeutic, psychological, nutritional, educational and basic needs.
Boulevard Federación | Nayarit, México | C.P. 63737
Tel: (+52) 322 135 6302 / |