Alexis is 9 years old. He was enrolled at Pasitos de Luz in 2016 when he was just 4. Alexis is a shy boy who tends to keep to himself, although he does love dancing, playing with bouncy balls, cuddly toys and toy cars. He also enjoys being outdoors and in our therapy pool.
Alexis has a diagnosis of eye agenesis, which means that he was born without eyes. When first enrolled at Pasitos de Luz, he could not walk and would only move by dragging himself across the floor. He was not speaking, could not eat by himself and lacked the basics of personal hygiene. Alexis was also not interested in learning and would not engage in any learning activities. In fact, he would not allow anyone near him and would become panicked by loud noises.
We have worked hard with Alexis to help improve his wellbeing and quality of life. Thanks to some great teamwork, our staff have fostered in Alexis much more self-confidence. He is now walking and has started to speak his first words: dad, mom, eat, water, among others. We are also very proud of Alexis for learning to eat all by himself, and have seen improvements in his interactions with his classmates and teachers. He is also much calmer when it comes to external noises. Alexis now recognizes the importance of washing his hands after going to the toilet and before eating.
The next challenge for Alexis is to build on these skills. We would like to see him using his walking stick more, and are determined to help him improve his spoken language, to have better control over his sphincter and bladder, and to overall become more independent. We believe this Alexis will also benefit from sensory stimulation exercises.
Alexis lives with his mum, dad and younger sister. He loves coming to Pasitos de Luz because here we understand his challenges and his strengths. The range of services that we offer, in an environment of love and mutual respect, has helped him to develop into a healthy, happy young boy. We have high hopes that Alexis will continue making progress.
Pasitos de Luz is a civil association in Banderas Bay. It is a registered non- profit organization founded by mothers of disabled children to meet their therapeutic, psychological, nutritional, educational and basic needs.
Boulevard Federación | Nayarit, México | C.P. 63737
Tel: (+52) 322 135 6302 / |